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Creafity mural colaborativo


Collaborative mural

17 - 27 November | 10:00 h - 18:00 h

Graffiti and urban art: Projection and promotion of works created by female artists from the world of graffiti and mural art.

Aidearte Design Studio has convened a collaborative design and urban art contest as part of BDW23. Which consists of the promotion of urban art through the creation of graphic artwork on the exterior blinds of the Aidearte studio.

The contest aims to provide exposure to and promote mainly women in the world of art and design by providing a showcase for a collaborative work of art.

From a social perspective, the premise is clear: collaborate in the creation of an intervention with a lasting message for the general public, which also puts neighbourhoods such as Otxarkoaga on the creative and design map, spreading wealth beyond the centre of Bilbao, and enriching all citizens. This also reinforces the strategic, motivational and transformational significance of an area such as Bilbao, with little exposure today in terms of its creative life.

Collaborative projects such as this, call on participants to combine their efforts, competencies and skills through a series of works and interactions that will enable them to achieve a common cause.  
We propose that this activity be conducted according to the following Rules:


1. Anyone aged 18 and over can take part. Participation may be individual or as part of a group.

2. The graphics must be on a theme encompassed within the philosophy of BDW23, which will generate a local and neighbourhood legacy. All of which must include a sustainable and inclusive vision.


1. Registration is free of charge. Applicants must provide the following documentation:  
Online application form, with all sections duly completed and signed by the applicant. By signing the application form applicants declare that they are aware of the rules and commit to upholding them. GO TO FORM

2. Art direction. To be designed in collaboration with the Aidearte team on the theme indicated.

3. Application: Candidates may apply online before the date agreed with the BDW23 organisers and during the BDW23 performance week.


The person(s) who will be involved in the project must undertake to implement the work within a mutually agreed period.

The project will be managed by a team of between 10 to 15 people from different backgrounds, such as the world of creativity, design, inclusion or with any other transversal knowledge or experience, and willing and able to participate collaboratively.

All team members share a common goal in a non-hierarchical relationship. The organisation is horizontal, and each participant is given equal importance.

Tasks must be interlinked and, above all, permanently add their achievements to the shared development of the project.

Any modifications are evaluated and verified in real time by all those with access.

The different elements of the final product are regularly combined.

Team members must communicate with each other on an ongoing basis to coordinate and assist each other as needed. From individual to shared responsibility. The organisation is not responsible for any subsequent deterioration or damage to the works.

Project participants will sign an agreement in advance to formalise the project.

As the project is non-profit and collaborative, there will be no economic benefit involved, beyond the promotion, and exposure on social networks and media of the work by the organisation and studio.

Intellectual property will remain with the artist or group of artists and members of the project, and Aidearte Design Studio reserves the right to its reproduction, promotion, exhibition, duration and functional use (enclosure blinds).

More information will be available in September at  

Aidearte design studio: Zizeruena street 12, local 27 y 28. 48004 Bilbao
Aidearte estudio de Diseño
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Video Creafity